
Third-Party Software License

namelicense typelinkauthor
@fastify/authMIT Fastify Team
@fastify/compressMIT Fastify Team
@fastify/cookieMIT Fastify Team
@fastify/corsMIT Fastify Team
@fastify/formbodyMIT Fastify Team
@fastify/helmetMIT Contributors
@fastify/jwtMIT Fastify Team
@fastify/oauth2MIT Fastify Team
@fastify/staticMIT Fastify Team
@fastify/viewMIT Fastify Team
@notionhq/clientMIT Labs
axiosMIT Zabriskie
bcryptMIT Campbell (
better-sqlite3-multiple-ciphersMIT Bandara Wijerathna (m4heshd) & Joshua Wise
chart.jsMIT Contributors
clipboard.jsMIT Rocha
cookieconsentMIT Bida
fastifyMIT Fastify Team
fastify-pluginMIT Fastify Team
fastify-raw-bodyMIT Spigolon (
handlebarsMIT Katz
handlebars-dateformatISC Cort
html-minifier-terserMIT "kangax" Zaytsev
jqueryMIT Foundation ( and other contributors
node.jsMIT ( / OpenJS Foundation (
node-scheduleMIT Patenaude
nodemailerMIT-0 Reinman
npmArtistic-2.0, Inc. and Contributors
select2MIT Brown, Igor Vaynberg, and Select2 contributors
stripeMIT, Inc.( & Ask Bjørn Hansen
validatorMIT O'Hara


namelicense typelinkauthor
hanken groteskOFL-1.1 Marco Pradil, Hanken Design Co.


namelicense typelinkauthor
bootstrap Bootstrap Team
font awesome, Inc., a Delaware corporation
parquet provided by Parqet